The return of good news (and why it matters)

30 March 2020  |  Insights
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Good news why it matters

There is something profound about being socially distant, yet globally together. It goes without saying, Coronavirus has changed our lives, the way we work, live and interact with one another. I have never seen the world more globally connected and supportive of one another.

This pandemic, that crosses political, religious and social divides, reminds us of the importance of togetherness.

Our newsfeeds are overloaded with updates, stories and videos of the pandemic. Our heads are fried and we are overloaded with information. We are fatigued.

This week I have seen a shift in our news. Coronavirus has changed the newsroom, but not exactly how you think it has.

In a recent article in the Guardian, journalists are stating that “Never before has so much optimism been published – and read.” All you have to do is go onto twitter and follow certain hashtags to see that journalists are seeking good news stories to lift the nation’s spirits. Check out #journorequests to see what I mean.

This provides us with a great opportunity. Of course, we must be sensitive to the hurt and the pain that so many of us are enduring. However, we must speak up about what our communities, work places, families and friends are doing to encourage one another during this time.

We shared on our social media platforms last week of a wonderful story from our client Samaritans Purse who have set up a temporary hospital in one of the worst hit areas of Italy. They are doing incredible work in treating those affected by Coronavirus. You can view the piece from The Telegraph here. Other clients we have, who work with some of the most vulnerable of people in the country, are ensuring that those who are were already isolated feel loved, supported and connected through this time. We continue to work with our clients to help them shine a light on the wonderful work that they do.

Our newsrooms are of course places that serve the purpose of informing the public of latest developments, but they are also a vehicle to shine light on the care and kindness that is prevailing through communities, families and workplaces.

I have read amazing innovative stories of businesses across the UK; in how they are keeping everyone’s spirits up. Remember the media are loving this sort of content at the moment. I have highlighted some below:

The list goes on….

Life has changed for us all. I don’t think we will ever be the same again.

I will leave you with the words of our Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, “But in this fight we can be in no doubt that each and every one of us is directly enlisted. Each and every one of us is now obliged to join together…And I know that as they have in the past so many times, the people of this country will rise to that challenge and we will come through it stronger than ever.”

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